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SWEDEN | The Samson family’s Swedish lawyer speaks about the Socialförvaltningen Hässleholm case: `Socialförvaltningen Hässleholm is wasting important energy and resources` | VIDEO

SWEDEN | The Samson family’s Swedish lawyer speaks about the Socialförvaltningen Hässleholm case: `Socialförvaltningen Hässleholm is wasting important energy and resources` | VIDEO

At the request of the Romanian Tribune, Adam Olofsson, the Swedish lawyer representing the Samson family, answered a series of questions about the act

At the request of the Romanian Tribune, Adam Olofsson, the Swedish lawyer representing the Samson family, answered a series of questions about the actions of Socialförvaltningen Hässleholm against the Romanian family.

What Olofsson says

  • Sara (12) and Tiana (11) are well looked after by their parents, Daniel and Bianca.
  • No evidence of domestic violence or related risks – police found no evidence and closed the investigation
    Socialförvaltningen Hässleholm intervened disproportionately and based their actions solely on the word of one of the girls.
  • Socialförvaltningen Hässleholm does not take into account what the girls say and want, namely that they want to go home.
  • Although the girls and their parents are Romanian, not Swedish, citizens, Socialförvaltningen Hässleholm insists on relying on legislation that allows them to detain foreign citizens.
  • Swedish administrative courts wrongly give too much weight to social assistance without taking into account the positive family background.
  • Socialförvaltningen Hässleholm is wasting important energy and resources on this case when it should be focusing on really important and real cases.

The Samson family is a Romanian family that has settled in Sweden.

Daniel Samson, 37, and Bianca Samson, 34, left Deva (Romania) and decided to settle in Sweden in 2016, he as a sales manager and she as a nurse.

On December 2, 2022, Barnskyddet stepped in and took in their two daughters, aged 10 and 11 at the time. The reason: alleged domestic violence and religious extremism.

During a family talk, the eldest daughter, Sara, asked her parents to buy her make-up and a smartphone. Her parents replied:

“You’re too young, you’re still a child and you’re very beautiful, it’s not appropriate at this age to wear make-up. I got you a laptop with internet access, and at school and at home you have everything you need”.

The parents knew that, as the girls had told them, the children at school were using their smartphones to access pornographic sites. The girl threatened the parents that if they did not give her what she wanted, she would tell the school that they were being abused at home – which she did.

The social services, Socialförvaltningen, intervened without any investigation – again similar to the case of Bodnariu and Furdui – and took the girls from the family. Tiana, the youngest girl, said from the start that the whole story was made up by her sister, that they were loved in the family and not abused.

Following procedure, the police launched an investigation and after about two months concluded that there had been no abuse and closed the case. This did not prompt Socialförvaltningen to return the girls to the family.

Tiana and Sara are currently placed in foster families, far away from each other and their parents, in psychologically and socially difficult living conditions. Because of the pressure they are under, forced to lie about being abused at home, Sara has resorted to various methods of suicide in a repeated cry for help.

Read the Samson family story HERE