Category: American Politics & Life

Alright, Donald Trump is back in the White House. What’s next?
Trump’s return to the White House is spectacular, no matter how you look at it. It’s a fact. So, what’s next?
After the November 5th elections, the [...]

BREAKING | Donald Trump wins the presidential election and makes a spectacular return to the White House.
Donald Trump is projected to win the presidential election over Kamala Harris after Fox News awarded him Pennsylvania, a state crucial to his victory. [...]

When culture leads civilization astray – or when death becomes the underlying theme of existence
We tend to think of politics and its class as having a big impact on our lives in terms of social, economic and security issues. However, we often ove [...]

OPINION | The brain dysfunctions of Liberalism
Rich people supporting socialism/communism, which ultimate goal is confiscating their wealth!
Their rich proponents supporting tax raises on the re [...]

If you live in Chicago, and if you have the right to vote,
DO NOT IGNORE the future of this beautiful city
and it’s future generations!
SAVE IT [...]

The Jugendamt Prisoners | The Furdui family, closer to reunion – Ruben and Albert are coming home for good
The Furdui family's nightmare seems to be coming to an end. For almost two years the parents and the 7 Furdui children have been separated by the Germ [...]

MIDTERMS 2022 | Top 5 topics of the November 8 US elections
On November 8, the United States holds congressional, state legislative and gubernatorial midterm elections. Early voting has already begun in some st [...]

The Jugendamt Prisoners | European MPs submit motion against Jugendamt in the Council of Europe
Last week, 21 MEPs, including Romanian MEPs, initiated a motion for a resolution in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in supp [...]

Hey Frontier Airlines, the Socialist Republic of Romania has not been around for 33 years
The Socialist Republic of Romania ceased to exist 33 years ago, with the 1989 Revolution, when the Romanian state left the communist Soviet bloc. Fron [...]

The New York Times’ Fake News Has a Russian Accent
The New York Times has a problem with Russia. And the truth.
For more than three years, the Times pushed the false Trump-Russia collusion story, ma [...]

KSAT.COM – TRUST INDEX: Yes, photo ID cards are required to vote in Mexico
Mexican voter ID cards are free, and are granted by a federal, autonomous institution.
A widely-shared Facebook meme suggest that voter [...]

White House: Trump Administration Accomplishments – As of January 2021
Unprecedented Economic Boom
Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy.
America gained 7 million ne [...]

No, I don’t think he truly lost the election!
At worst, the election might’ve been rigged, at best, the electorate might’ve been deceived!
Well, [...]

”The Trump I Know” – Premiere – Interviews by Romanian-American Daniel George
Our good friend Romanian-American writer and director Daniel George, an associate producer of the documentary ”THE TRUMP I KNOW” is invi [...]

The Supreme Court Decides Who Is a Woman
But it doesn’t admit that it’s doing so.
he Supreme Court’s Bostock v. Clayton County decision today held that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of [...]

Should we question the connection between Judge Gettleman and Gov. J.B. Pritzker?
This may or may not be something to look into, but we could not ignore the issue and, at least ask the question.
Judge Robert William Gettleman was [...]

Pastor Cristian Ionescu: Message to Gov. Pritzker, Mayor Lightfoot, and Alderman Rodriguez
Pastor Cristian Ionescu: Mesaj către Guv. Pritzker, Primarul Lightfoot și Alderman Rodriguez
Thursda [...]

LIVE PRESS CONFERENCE – TODAY @ 7 PM – Pastor Cristian Ionescu of Elim Church vs Gov. PRITZKER
Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church has appealed the decision ruled yesterday by Judge Robert William Gettleman

The two Romanian churches that sued Gov. Pritzker HAVE BEEN DENIED THEIR CLAIM
Judge Robert William Gettleman ruled on the lawsuit initiated by the pastors of Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church in Chicago (Pastor Cristian Ionescu) [...]

Pastor Cristian Ionescu: DEATH SENTENCE
Pastor Cristian Ionescu: CONDAMNARE LA MOARTE!
One day after successfully holding services at Elim [...]

Pastor Cristian Ionescu: How are the stay-at-home order provisions applied to churches?
I’m very careful with what I write since, together with Logos Baptist Ministries and Pastor Daniel Chiu, we’re involved in litigation against Mr. J.B. [...]

OFFICIAL: Romanian Churches Sue IL Governor for Discrimination
Oficial: Biserici Românești din Chicago dau în judecată Guv. statului Illinois pentru discriminare
SUED! On the s [...]

6 Romanian-American churches in Chicago say ENOUGH! We WILL Re-Open churches on Sunday, May 10, 2020
This article is available in Romanian here:
6 Biserici Româno-Americane din Chicago spun DESTUL: Pe 10 mai vom REDESCHIDE Bisericile! [...]

It’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.
Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our [...]

US Ambassador to Bucharest: “Communism destroyed all the countries that had the misfortune to be subjugated to this evil.”
Read this article in Romanian, here:
Ambasadorul SUA la București: „România se află în punctul de a scăpa de ultimele cătuşe ale comunismului şi cor [...]

Capitalism vs. Socialism (English)
Decades after capitalism seemed to have triumphed over socialism, politicians are once again arguing about the merits and drawbacks of these opposing [...]

The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party
When you think of the Republican Party, what comes to mind? If you’re like many Americans, you may associate the GOP with racism, sexism, and gene [...]

Proclamation on National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2020
Every person — the born and unborn, the poor, the downcast, the disabled, the infirm, and the elderly — has inherent value. Although each journey is [...]

Blagojevich: House Democrats Would Have Impeached Lincoln
I, like most people from my home state of Illinois, am a great admirer of Abraham Lincoln.
Recently I've wondered what would have happened had Nanc [...]

US ambassador: Romania’s progress in the past 30 years is extraordinary, lots to be done still
Romania made extraordinary progress in the past 30 years since the fall of Communism but a lot of things still need to be done, US ambassador to Roman [...]

The Legal Basis for a Moral Constitution: A Guide for Christians to Understand America’s Constitutional Crisis
America is in the midst of a cultural and constitutional law crisis that began more than sixty years ago and was further exacerbated by the 2015 Supre [...]

Liberals are insensitive, nasty people… when they are not playing victims
If you thought liberals ar [...]

Religious liberty, marriage and family, and life itself
are too precious not to be spoken for ...
… and your voice needs to be heard.
You can make [...]
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