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Romanian-American lawyer Horațio (Harry) Miheț commended by Chicago’s “Elim” Romanian Pentecostal Church

Romanian-American lawyer Horațio (Harry) Miheț commended by Chicago’s “Elim” Romanian Pentecostal Church

On Sunday (May 23, 2021) the "Elim" Romanian Pentecostal Church in Chicago celebrated the opening and dedication of the new place of worship, built in

On Sunday (May 23, 2021) the “Elim” Romanian Pentecostal Church in Chicago celebrated the opening and dedication of the new place of worship, built in the last 3 years with a very attractive architectural style and offering exceptional facilities for church life. On this occasion, the church leadership also invited the Romanian-American lawyer Harry Miheț, vice-president of the Liberty Counsel organization, to the celebration.

Harry Miheț is the lawyer who, during the most critical time of the US pandemic and lock-downs, fought for the rights of the Elim Church, but equally for all churches and religious gatherings of any kind – because they all now benefit from the result attained by Elim Church and Liberty Counsel.

As a result of the actions taken, the case of Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church in Chicago and Logos Romanian Baptist Church in Niles reached the Supreme Court. After examination of the case by Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the governor of Illinois was put in a position of being required to respond with sound legal arguments to allegations of restricting the constitutional rights of churches and places of worship.

Instead, the governor gave in and gave up his abusive laws by withdrawing them immediately. The victory meant freedom not only for the Romanian Elim and Logos Churches but for all churches in the state of Illinois.

This explains why Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church decided that at this new beginning and milestone in the church’s life, the lawyer Harry Miheț be encouraged and receive the public gratitude of this congregation of believers who now enjoy freedom to operate due to the efforts of this lawyer also.

Upon being awarded the Plaque of Gratitude from the Elim Church, the lawyer Harry Miheț had a short speech, which we render in full below.

Thank you Brother Cristi and the Elim Church of God for the great privilege of celebrating with you today.

It is a real honor for me to be in your midst now, in this magnificent place of worship, to rejoice and glorify together our Almighty God for all that He has done so far with you, through you, and among you, and for all that He will do next from this corner of His Kingdom. To Him be all the glory and praise that only He deserves!

For a year now I had been longing to come to you, my dear brothers and sisters, not only to congratulate you for this achievement that we celebrate today, but first to congratulate you and thank you for being a living church, full of The Holy Spirit, courageous, true, aware of her calling and destiny, and ready to pay any price for preaching, spreading and defending the Truth in a world that today, more than ever, has a desperate need for the Truth.

This past year God has used your courage not only to overthrow the sinister plans of a Governor and a mayor, which have claimed that the Church of the Lord was not essential and shut it down; but in addition, God has used your courage to bring and restore the Freedom of Worship, granted by Him and guaranteed by the Constitution, to all churches in the State of Illinois and throughout the country.

Alongside the other Romanian churches in Chicago, you have become a true living example for the whole state and the whole country of what God can do with a handful of brave believers who know their Master, purpose, destiny, and rights; and who are neither afraid nor terrified to draw a line in the sand and say “NO!” to the king when the king asks them to break God’s law.

You have been and still are a great blessing to me and my colleagues at Liberty Counsel. You have given me the chance to boast before the judges and the people in power not only with our Romanian people, but above all with the power of our Almighty God manifested through you. Thank you and I love you for being a role model and for your courage, my dear brothers and sisters at Elim.

The exhortation I have for you today, as one who has a great privilege to defend the Truth, is to continue to preach the Truth, to defend the Truth, and to walk in the Truth.

In 2021 the truth in America is under siege; under a powerful and relentless attack. Each has its own truth, but the Truth of Scripture has come to be “hate speech,” ridiculed, sidelined, and even punished by law.

And the more we reject the Truth of God as a society, the faster and farther we run from the Truth of Scripture, the less free we become.

Lack of Truth brings enslavement, bondage and tyranny.

Patrick Henry, one of the Christian founders of America, declared and warned us: “When a people forgets God, tyrants forge their chains.”

Dearly beloved, we all realize when we look around us that today, in 2021, in the Land of All Freedoms, tyrants are forging their chains, because the American people are abandoning the Truth of God.

But this morning, our Savior and Creator of Freedom reminds us of His promise in John 8:32, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

So my prayer for you now, dear Elim church, at the beginning of a new chapter, is for the Lord to stir you up even more for the Truth.

Lord, let your Elim church be famous in Chicagoland, America, and the whole world:

  • Not for its gorgeous architecture;
  • Not for its beautiful building,
  • Not for its uplifting music, and
  • Not for its worthwhile church services.
  • Lord, let it be known throughout the world that the Truth is preached HERE.
  • Lord, let it be said of your church that Elim preaches the Truth of Scripture, the whole Truth, undivided and undiluted, without apology and without fear.
  • Lord, let it be said about the body of this church that it is NOT just spectators gathering in a beautiful building to be tickled in their ears, but that they are warriors and fighters who come here to train in the Truth, who then dress daily in Truth, walk every day in the Truth, and are ready to defend the Truth whenever and wherever it is attacked, and at any costs required.
  • May the mighty flame of Truth shine dazzlingly from the church of Elim in Chicagoland, Illinois, and throughout America, so that many may see it and be drawn towards our true God, for their salvation, and for His glory forever and ever.

May God help you so, my dearest, and may He help us all. Thank you, I love you, and I continue to appreciate your fervent prayers for me and my colleagues at Liberty Counsel, since we are and will remain at the forefront of the fight for Truth.

God bless you! AMEN. – Horațio (Harry) Miheț
