Category: Family, Faith & Life

1 259 / 59 POSTS
Liberty Counsel: VACCINE VICTORY in Chicago!

Liberty Counsel: VACCINE VICTORY in Chicago!

Glenview School District (just north of the Windy City) issued a mandate requiring "all staff" to be vaccinated "no later than April 30, 2021 as a con [...]


No, I don’t think he truly lost the election! At worst, the election might’ve been rigged, at best, the electorate might’ve been deceived! Well, [...]
”The Trump I Know” – Premiere – Interviews by Romanian-American Daniel George

”The Trump I Know” – Premiere – Interviews by Romanian-American Daniel George

Our good friend Romanian-American writer and director Daniel George, an associate producer of the documentary ”THE TRUMP I KNOW” is invi [...]
Should we question the connection between Judge Gettleman and Gov. J.B. Pritzker?

Should we question the connection between Judge Gettleman and Gov. J.B. Pritzker?

This may or may not be something to look into, but we could not ignore the issue and, at least ask the question. Judge Robert William Gettleman was [...]
Pastor Cristian Ionescu: Message to Gov. Pritzker, Mayor Lightfoot, and Alderman Rodriguez

Pastor Cristian Ionescu: Message to Gov. Pritzker, Mayor Lightfoot, and Alderman Rodriguez

THIS ARTICLE IS AVAILABLE IN ROMANIAN, HERE: Pastor Cristian Ionescu: Mesaj către Guv. Pritzker, Primarul Lightfoot și Alderman Rodriguez * Thursda [...]
LIVE PRESS CONFERENCE – TODAY @ 7 PM – Pastor Cristian Ionescu of Elim Church vs Gov. PRITZKER

LIVE PRESS CONFERENCE – TODAY @ 7 PM – Pastor Cristian Ionescu of Elim Church vs Gov. PRITZKER

PRESS RELEASE Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church has appealed the decision ruled yesterday by Judge Robert William Gettleman OFFICIAL STATEM [...]
The two Romanian churches that sued Gov. Pritzker HAVE BEEN DENIED THEIR CLAIM

The two Romanian churches that sued Gov. Pritzker HAVE BEEN DENIED THEIR CLAIM

Judge Robert William Gettleman ruled on the lawsuit initiated by the pastors of Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church in Chicago (Pastor Cristian Ionescu) [...]
Pastor Cristian Ionescu: DEATH SENTENCE

Pastor Cristian Ionescu: DEATH SENTENCE

THIS ARTICLE AVAILABLE IN ROMANIAN, HERE:  Pastor Cristian Ionescu: CONDAMNARE LA MOARTE! * One day after successfully holding services at Elim [...]
Pastor Cristian Ionescu: How are the stay-at-home order provisions applied to churches?

Pastor Cristian Ionescu: How are the stay-at-home order provisions applied to churches?

I’m very careful with what I write since, together with Logos Baptist Ministries and Pastor Daniel Chiu, we’re involved in litigation against Mr. J.B. [...]
OFFICIAL: Romanian Churches Sue IL Governor for Discrimination

OFFICIAL: Romanian Churches Sue IL Governor for Discrimination

THIS ARTICLE IN ROMANIAN, HERE: Oficial: Biserici Românești din Chicago dau în judecată Guv. statului Illinois pentru discriminare SUED! On the s [...]
6 Romanian-American churches in Chicago say ENOUGH! We WILL Re-Open churches on Sunday, May 10, 2020

6 Romanian-American churches in Chicago say ENOUGH! We WILL Re-Open churches on Sunday, May 10, 2020

BREAKING: This article is available in Romanian here:  6 Biserici Româno-Americane din Chicago spun DESTUL: Pe 10 mai vom REDESCHIDE Bisericile! [...]


On April 16, President Trump and the White House Coronavirus Task Force announced a three-phase plan, “Opening Up America Again,” with guidelines for [...]
What Pastors (and Priests) should know about The White House Plan to Open Up America Again

What Pastors (and Priests) should know about The White House Plan to Open Up America Again

WHAT PASTORS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE WHITE HOUSE PLAN TO OPEN UP AMERICA AGAIN The White House plan, “Opening Up America Again,” allows for states an [...]
FINLAND and the SMICALĂ children. ABDUCTED by the state: Is that the future of child protection in Europe?

FINLAND and the SMICALĂ children. ABDUCTED by the state: Is that the future of child protection in Europe?

It was brought to our attention the fact that FAMILY NEWS has published an in-depth report denouncing the evil done to a Romanian doctor and her child [...]
Proclamation on National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2020

Proclamation on National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2020

Every person — the born and unborn, the poor, the downcast, the disabled, the infirm, and the elderly — has inherent value.  Although each journey is [...]
The time has come for Planned Parenthood to be closed!

The time has come for Planned Parenthood to be closed!

 Dați click aici pentru a citi acest articol în limba Română  Planned Parenthood has been killing babies and selling their body parts for profit fo [...]
Abortion being legal is not enough

Abortion being legal is not enough

Undercover journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt recorded Planned Parenthood employees discussing the sale of the body parts from aborted babi [...]
“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” -Edmund Burke

“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” -Edmund Burke

American Minute with Bill Federer Edmund Burke is considered the most influential orator in the British House of Commons in the 18th century. Bo [...]


Religious liberty, marriage and family, and life itself are too precious not to be spoken for ... … and your voice needs to be heard. You can make [...]
1 259 / 59 POSTS