Tag: Furdui case

SWEDEN | “I want to die, I want to go home, Socialförvaltningen Hässleholm ruined my life”. The drama of a Romanian family abused by child protective services
Sara Samson, 12, is on her fifth suicide attempt in the care of Socialförvaltningen - Sweden's child protective services - after she and her sister we [...]

The Jugendamt Prisoners | Albert Furdui: Help me go home! (VIDEO)
Albert Furdui, 10, sends a painful message of distress to be allowed to return home and be reunited with his brothers and sisters.
On Albert's face [...]

Senatorul Titus Corlăţean, preşedintele Comisiei pentru politică externă a Senatului şi deputatul Ben-Oni Ardelean, vicepreşedintele Comisiei pentru politică externă a Camerei Deputaţilor – în misiune oficială în R.F. Germania
O misiune oficială a Parlamentului României s-a deplasat, în perioada 6-9 iulie a.c., în Germania (Hanovra/Walsrode/landul Saxonia Inferioară şi Berli [...]

Furdui Case: Two girls will return home – Court
On 21 March, in Walsrode took place a hearing in the case of the Furdui family. The court's decision is incomprehensible given that almost a year has [...]

Ben Oni Ardelean: Familia Furdui este victima unui sistem îndreptat împotriva familiilor și spre dezbinarea acestora
Încă de la declanşarea acestei drame am luat atitudine, deplasându-mă în Germania, alaturi de senatorul Titus Corlățean, unde am purtat discuţii [...]

Ben Oni Ardelean: The Furdui family is the victim of a system directed against the families and towards their division
Furdui Case: The Jugendamt Prisoners (III) – Sina Böhling, Chief of the Jugendamt Heidekreis, and the great cover-up of the [...]

EXCLUSIVE | Furdui Case: The Jugendamt Prisoners (II) – The German Government’s repeated abuses of power and human rights violations, seven siblings illegally abducted and separated
The Romanian Tribune Newspaper continues the series of articles on the Furdui family case based on an ongoing investigation started two months ago.
R [...]

EXCLUSIVE | Furdui Case: The Jugendamt Prisoners (I)
The Romanian Tribune begins today the publishing of a series of articles in the matter of the Furdui family from Germany, based on an ongoing investig [...]

Furdui Case: To the Editorial Office of Walsroder Zeitung and Mr. Rolf Hillmann
To the Editorial Office of Walsroder Zeitung and Mr. Rolf Hillmann,
Following the article signed by you on January 7, 2022, and in the spirit of et [...]

Furdui Case: Christmas is over…
I don't know what Christmas meant to you. For the Furdui family, it was probably the most difficult Christmas. I had the opportunity to spend Christma [...]

Furdui Case: Christmas 2021 for The Furdui Family
In the Furdui house there is a deafening silence.
Only the diamond pigeons that the children used to take care of are whistling and squeaking now a [...]

Furdui Case: Summary of 7 months in a few sentences
During the first month, the shock of separation, tears and unanswered questions took place.
In the second month, the hope of a speedy and fair tria [...]

Anti-Separation of Furdui family protest of Romanian-Americans in Washington DC
Washington DC, USA
Nov. 20th 2021
Peaceful protest denouncing the human rights abuses of Germany's child protection services (Jugendamt) in th [...]

Furdui Case: Brother and sister happy to finally meet and embrace without Jugendamt’s supervision
It is clear that their love is stronger than the punitive threats of the authorities, if they dare deserting the institutions to meet their family.

Furdui Case: Few minutes with mother
Last week, Camelia Furdui was pleasantly surprised and rejoiced to see four of her children in her home. Through an unannounced visit, the children ra [...]

Furdui Case: Furdui’s children, under pressure to break contact with their family
Furdui’s children were taken by the Jugendamt on April 26, 2021. Almost seven months have passed since then and the German authorities still do not se [...]

Furdui Case: The Furdui children are not allowed to meet relatives
The Furdui Family's children were seized by Jugendamt on April 26, 2021. Six months passed since then, in which aunts and other relatives of the child [...]

Furdui Case – Protest against Jugendamt in Vienna, Austria
On Saturday, October 9, 2021, a protest took place in Vienna against the abuses of the Jugendamt (German child protection institution) and in solidari [...]

Av. Peter Costea: Solidari cu Familia Furdui din Germania
Scrisoarea AFR către Ambasada Germaniei la București.
Începe să se coaguleze o mișcare globală de solidaritate cu Familia Furdui. Vă mulțumesc celo [...]

Return the 7 children of the Petru and Camelia Furdui family!
The confiscation of the children on April 26 by the German state is an abusiv [...]
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